You know how when anyone says anything about orbital mechanics how I reply with one word: Keplers?
More on the subject by someone much smarter than me:
You know how when anyone says anything about orbital mechanics how I reply with one word: Keplers?
More on the subject by someone much smarter than me:
This is interesting, haven’t heard of it…
Still, what’s your point?
To be informative? Does it require another reason?
Nope. Just curious.
I actually tried to simulate orbital gravity in the past by creating a grid with different gravitational values and objects would move to the tile with the greatest grid value. It actually turned out pretty good but sometimes orbits would flip and all large bodies had the tendancy to move to the upper left unprovoked. Still really interesting experiment.
My point is that Kepler’s is good enough for modeling of orbital mechanics for serious applications. So if you’re writing game code that’s more complex…you’re doing it wrong.
Some time ago i wrote article about physical 4D and more dimensions spaces movement.
So technical planets that moves in 4 Dimensions is wrong (or we can’t see that ^^)
(with planets interact 4 different forces is ok)
All others formulas looks ok (because I don’t understand what they talking about XD)
Anytime “dimensions” comes up in conversation, I respond with the one-liner: Don’t confuse spatial dimensions with the number of dimensions in the vector space.
The latter >= the former.
You’re famous for 1 liners. You are either a very good wingman or a very bad one.
Wow! My head… ???
So interesting!
Come on, Kids, do some of that pilot shit!