Why would I download anything for Azul when they only compile the OpenJDK?
Then I might aswell compile it myself.
Support is optional, performance is mandatory. If you think Oracle would open-source the best parts of the closed source JVM for optional revenue you are deluding yourself, also they have had that optional revenue for a long time now.
Look at it from this perspective: I have 3 servers on google cloud for 10$ per month, if I opted to upgrade my Java to the latest version next year (say because they have invented some new garbage collection that does not freeze the entire JVM) I would have to pay an additional 75$ for that per month… that is 7.5x = 750% from one year to another.
Why do you think they are taking such drastic measures?! I can tell you, they have bought completely empty companies. Sun had 50% worthless hardware and 50% “open-source” or at least “free until not” software. MySQL founders moved on and founded MariaDB, making MySQL obsolete. The Oracle DB is a big pile of junk.
They are desperate because the banks are not loaning out more money from asset valuations or even positive balance sheets any more and Oracles government customers are probably not able to buy more licences for their over-engineered junk, or at least the projections of that income does not look good.
So, in that context, I think that they cannot afford to give away their only valuable property which is the performance of their closed source JVM.
Can you link to the statement where Oracle says they wont build ARM releases?
I can’t seem to find a 32-bit release for ARM on the AdoptOpenJDK site, do you know if Raspbian has a current build of that in their repo?
I know I’m making uncomfortable statements, but we need to be able to talk about this and not pretend that everything is just going to be business as usual, changes are coming.
Edit: So I was wrong, Java has the performance in OpenJDK 11 on ARMv7+. The only thing I was kinda right about is that ARMv6 (Raspberry Pi 1) is not getting anything from now on so OracleJDK 8 will be the last stop for these CPUs.