It’s been a couple years now since Java 9 introduced modules. How are IDE’s doing in terms of handling modules? Any thoughts on which is doing it best?
My experience is only with Eclipse. It’s made definite progress. I no longer avoid having a module-info file, and with that working, no longer need to put in a VM argument providing the JavaFX module path in the run configurations. Eclipse now provides meaningful error statements for helping keep the module-info file in order. I was just working with an old JavaFX tutorial (learning about creating a new control), and the IDE provided clear and easy-to-implement error messages on how to modify the module-info file. I was able to get the code up and running using OpenJDK 11 and JavaFX 14.
But I don’t know how well Eclipse works with creating jar files that can run module-based Java on other peoples systems, especially if JavaFX is involved. Use of JLINK to create a self-contained app seems the only way to make that work, or has something been figured out? And Eclipse doesn’t handle JLINKing yet, AFAIK. Do other IDEs?