my situation was to have a game implemented without the flag for the OpenGL.
my framework (done in java2D) is completely based on the BufferedImageOp to draw on the fly effect!
how my frameworks works is this just create to any cycle the next immage and then the the drawable:
dbImage = JPanel.createImage(pWidth, pHeight); // create the double buffer immage
dbg = (Graphics2D) dbImage.getGraphics();
after that it is pass to the rendering that are 2D sprite based on the bufferedImmage
any sprite before to be render on the dbg ( that i s the Graphics2D) is passed to a chain of effect that execute specific effect implemented as BufferedImageOp brightness, and transparence or affine trasfomration for scale and rotation
//filtersToApplyare all the filter ot use: can be any, one of this or all -->brightness, transparence,scale and rotation
BufferedImage filtered = EffectManager.getInstance().chain(filtersToApply,image, position, size, color);
dbg.drawImage(filtered, (int)(position.getPosX() - filtered.getWidth()/2), (int)(position.getPosY() - size.getHeigh()/2), null);
in the end finally draw the final immage with all the sprite and background painted over
g = (Graphics2D) gamePanel.getGraphics();
g.drawImage(doFinalEffect(dbImage), 0, 0,pWidth,pHeight, null);
but before is possible to pass the final image (that is the immage with the background and all the sprites) again to a chain of effect (that is implemented has before as BufferedImageOp brightness to make obscuration of all the immage)
ALL this story to explane that it is very easy nothing complex, and when i have activated the “OpenGL” VM flag -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True, my application is start to be very slow!!! it become a disaster, lost 30% of the frames!!!
i would like to understand why, or at list to understand how to analyze