OpenGL sample pack

Hey guys,

I have been (almost) finished to port to jogl the OpenGL Sample Pack. Code is here.
The Java OpenGL Samples Pack is the java port of the OpenGL Samples Pack, a collection of OpenGL samples based on the OpenGL “core profile” specifications.

The project aims to promote the new OpenGL features making easier version transitions for OpenGL programmers with a complementary documentation for the OpenGL specification. Despite the fact that the OpenGL Samples Pack provides as simple (and dumb) as possible samples, it’s not a tutorial for beginner but a project for programmers already familiar with OpenGL. The OpenGL Samples Pack is also a good OpenGL drivers feature test.

These samples use NEWT to create window and jogl of Jogamp as OpenGL wrapper, jglm as math library and to replace OpenGL fixed pipeline functions and jgli to load images.

The over 230 samples illustrate almost all OpenGL features ranging from ES 2.0 up to the last GL extenstions, same of them usually also called AZDO (Almost Zero Driver Overhead). They are divided per profiles and I also wrote a little wiki for each profile quoting the most relevant part of g-truc’s reviews, really interesting (I have learnt a lot myself reading them).[/i]

I still have to finish a couple of sample for which I miss extensions, especially the amd only ones… if anyone own a quite recent amd card and is willing to test them please just let me know