OpenGL help in LWJGL, blurry quads


I’m fairly new to OpenGL. After googling Java2D vs OpenGL it sounds like i probably should choose OpenGL.
But when i test the simplest form of a Quad ( which i deactivated the rotation, gives me studders or blur.

I tested it with different framespeeds and different movement per frame speeds and it still looks blurry. I tested it both on a laptop and a gaming desktop.
The more powerfull desktop showed less blurring.

It feels like it shouldn’t blurr this much at a so basic code? Java2D gives me none of that…yet

So am i doing something wrong?

(English is not my native language so sorry if i miss spelled something)

Screenshot? This sounds incredibly weird.

Blur: sounds like anti-aliasing
Studder: sounds like movement without vsync or flawed logic / delta-updates.

I didn’t succed in capturing a screenshot with the blur.

If i used a texture (to easier see blurring) and sync (with LWJGLs Display.sync) with a 60 fps,
and the window is 800 pixels wide, if i move it 1 pixel per frame it is smooth, 2 pixels its smooth but beginning to hint to blur,
4 pixels and it becoms a bit blurry and you can apperently see the studdering.

the movement of 4 x 60 / second, makes it takes 3,33 seconds to move from one edge to the other, the constant speed show the “studdering”.

I dont know if its my screen. I noticed know that the laptop also shows this studder with Java2D but not my desktop, with the same framerate and movement speed.

Is there a recommended movement per frame in pixels for smooth animation?

My plan is to have nice pixel-graphics with hopefully awesome smooth movement.

Then it seems like you’re ending the frame twice in each render operation. That means that you only draw every other frame.

Make sure you call Display.swapBuffers() or Display.update() only once.

I’ve done a new try at it.

Now I’m using OpenGL 3.2 and modern OpenGL methods.
I used the tutorials from LWJGL:
but changed the logic.

When moving a textured quad i get a type of “ghosting” from a few frames back. It looks blurry (printscreen doesnt catch it due to the small lag it gives)
It looks like the glClear doesnt work immediate or something.

I have all the code on github, user Khazrak, Project: ProjectMana,
The Animation-branch is the most up to date working branch.

Any suggestions?

The goal is to make a game like “Secret of Mana”(SNES) with great pixelgraphics.

While I was trying to test diffrent things like delta i managed to capture a printscreen with a pixel-column that is wrong.
On both the blue and the brown.

I think it’s this “wrong-colors” that make it look blurry.

Is it something wrong with the Shaders or TextureVertex’s?