OpenGL 2.0 extensions not working, despite being reported as supported


gl.isExtensionAvailable(“GL_VERSION_2_1”) returns true, but all the opengl 2.0 stuff, like compileShader(), matrixMode(GL_COLOR), etc. either does nothing or crashes natively. Do I need to call something before this functionality is available to me? (I am using Fedora linux with an nVidia QuadroFX 1400.)

[EDIT: Strangely, glGetString(GL_VERSION) returns 1.4. I’ve looked online, though, and it seems like the card should support 2.0.]

Any help would be appreciated.

I looked-up your card, and it says it supports OpenGL 2.0. If the version string returned by the query glGetString(GL_VERSION) says something else, then it may be worth looking at ensuring your drivers are up-to-date.

Are you running NVidia’s latest drivers? What about the latest JOGL nightly build? What is the output of demos.printext.PrintExt from the jogl-demos tree?

We have had some problems in the past getting loaded properly, which could cause Mesa to be used for rendering in some situations rather than the vendor’s drivers, but these issues were fixed a while ago. See Issue 262. If you try -Djogl.drihack.disable on your command line and that works around the problem then it’s a bug in JOGL and please file it using the Issue Tracker.