online game for mobiles, which connection's the best?

the only connection type i known is HTTP connection, easy to send or get information from a server (web-based app). but for gaming, and as it’s a request / response type connection so it’s not a best choice for real-time online games like MMORPG. in the API document, i found some other types i think maybe better: datagram and socket connection. i have some questions… :’(

what requirements those connections need? ex. HTTP connection, it just needs a gprs connection, a web host, that’s all.
can i make a peer-to-peer (mobile phone to mobile phone) connection via gprs? does a mobile phone have an ip address?

basically, you can only rely on http being available. Using sockets (which are FAR nicer) means limiting the number of devices severely - especially the older devices.
That said, more and more devices are supporting sockets, albeit at varying stability.

Another imporant consideration is carrier support for the transport. Most if not all carriers will route the HTTP packets through their gateways (there’s always filtering of websites to some or no degree) but some might not have gateways setup to route TCP packets. Or UDP packets :slight_smile:
