Ok, one more : Sailor Fun 4K

BeerMan 4K left me quite unsatisfied in that I didn’t have space for proper animations… So now I come back with Sailor Fun 4K, which uses motion capture data and motion tweening :slight_smile:


The game is pretty simple. Parents are at work and have left their babies alone at home. Now we all know how naughty babies can be, crawling all over the place and climbing on windows. Your aim is to catch the babies as they fall from the windows. Of course, our lovely neighbourhood is also filled with loving couples that argue from time to time, throwing furniture out of the windows… So be careful and don’t be hit by a falling plasma TV! :slight_smile:

Homepage : http://www.ahristov.com/sailor4k

JNLP : http://www.ahristov.com/sailor4k/sailor4k.jnlp

ENTER to start the game or after you loose a life (well, actually after the BABY looses a life ;D ) or after a game over. Move with the arrow keys.

BTW: The title is because among the sprites I had, the most suitable for mocap animation was Sailor Neptune from the anime series.

Nice GFX and animation!

Gameplay might lack a bit of variation, but is quite good still. Motion capture data and motion tweening in 4K, not bad :slight_smile:

Thanks… I hope you made at least 500 points, it gets faster from there (1 level increase per 500 points).

Anyway, my original intention was a scuba-diving program but I stil have it half-way done… This one is more like a “proof of concept” that the whole thing can work…