NSIS installer

Has anyone got a simple script for this that can check for java to be installed (including version number)? I’m pretty much just gettin started and I’m aware that their archives have some stuff, but it’s rough finding a good starting point and I’m interested in what other people using it specifically for java projects use to deal with java’s little intricacies. Having the installer install java if it’s needed automatically would be pretty nice. If no one has anything like this I’ll try to post the script I end up making (working off an example I found in their archive now).

Do you still need this? I have such a script which I can dig up (I used an example I found on the net somewhere). NSIS docs are… a bit uncoordinated.


If you still have the NSIS script, I would appreciate it if you could post it on the board. Thanks.

Not sure if this has ready to use scripts, but if you are using Eclipse, it may be worth checking out anyway: http://eclipsensis.sourceforge.net/