not this year.

I cannot manage the 4K contest this year.

with my new job addition (that makes 2 jobs), and fulltime school, I cannot feasibly run the 4K contest this year. I couldn’t possibly be active enough in the process to give the contest the attention it deserves.

I am still willing to provide hosting for the contest, including the webspace and database, but JGO needs to find a new manager.

I’d also have no problem returning next year, as it has been alot of fun the last 2 years.

I’m know that not 100% of the paricipants were happy with my managing strategy, so maybe this is a positive step for those individuals.

thanks, and I look forward to this year’s contest!

Well I really liked what you did with the contest, that web page is awesome with its random clickable screenshot images 8).

I’d offer to take over if I knew anything about the 4K comp & had time. Maybe you should let others know what’s involved?

I still plan on providing the new site. if that doesn’t pan out, the old system is ready to go, as always.

responsibilities include:

[] checking the “game queue” daily for new games and filtering out spam before it hits the game charts
] appoint and moderate a judging panel
[] actively participate in as many game threads as you can
] review rules and edit what’s neccessary to provide the most fair contest possible

I will still handle the other behind-the-scenes duties (such as size validation, game archiving, etc.). I simply need someone who can devote 3 months to be the public relationist for the contest. I’m still going to archive the games, provide the webhosting space, and distribute the prizes given to us by sponsors.

What sponsors?

Oddlabs and Mojang Specifcations

More importantly, what prizes? ;D

the same as offered in the Super Mario Programming Contest, they were transferred due to lack of interest in that contest

If I may suggest someone, CaptainJester looks very commited to the contest. He was the one who invited me to participate, too. But I don’t know if he’s up to it, he might also be a busy guy =D

I’m sure someone as capable as necessary will pop up :stuck_out_tongue: But we could split the work among other developers this year. Since I plan to participate, I can’t help very much, but I’m sure some people here would gladly accept some tasks.

the duties I’m relieving myself of aren’t big ones. I really just need a public personality and “go to” man for the contest.

I’ve still got the site running, which can continue to act as the hub for 4K games, I just don’t have the time to manage the contest itself, as far as judging, rules, off the wall questions, etc etc

Well count me in for this ‘duty’:

But I’m not reliable or skilled enough to help with the other stuff :P.

I wouldn’t mind doing it, but that means I can’t participate. However if you haven’t found someone by the end of November, I will do it. I would rather see the 4K go forward than skip a year.

i hope none of you are reading the title wrong, I’m not suggesting 4K be skipped this year!

CaptainJester, I doubt helping in the contest management would keep you from participating, I somehow managed to squeeze two entries in last year =o

It doesn’t prevent you from participating, but it certainly adds a ‘burden’ that will consume a bit more of anyone’s spare time :smiley:

By the way, if you have any other minor tasks where you would use some help, let us know. For example, my main job is enterprise application development - and I’ve done tons of web applications in Java, with dynamic content management systems. I am not complaining about the current web site, but if you have some cool ideas for a submission system, former entries browsing, etc… that you never get the time to get them done, feel free to mail me and I’ll help you the best way I can.

My mistake. I thought that if I was part of “management” that I would not be allowed to enter. Time is not a problem either, because I already have 2 entries ready.

I’ll do it. Send me a PM with more details.

You rock CaptainJester! I hope we get this show on the road soon.