Hello, I’m currently developing a game and I’d like to use JInput. Anyway, I started off downloading the binaries from the latest distribution (http://www.newdawnsoftware.com/resources/jinput/jinput_combined_dist_latest.zip).After setting up the library, I wanted to make sure JInput is able to detect my Keyboard and Mouse. This is a good place to mention I am developing on Ubuntu Linux 7.04 with 2.6 Linux Core. Well, I tried running each of the tests as mentioned in the “Getting Started” thread (http://www.java-gaming.org/forums/index.php?topic=16866.0), however, I seem to always get the same error messages which look something like this:
Controller Env = net.java.games.input.DefaultControllerEnvironment@42e816
Failed to open device (/dev/input/event5): Failed to open device /dev/input/event5 (13)
Failed to open device (/dev/input/event4): Failed to open device /dev/input/event4 (13)
…And so on
Is this something obvious I am missing? All the tests seem to work fine on my Windows installation (however, it is very important that I do all my development on Ubuntu).
Help much appreciated,