Java Cool Dude, have some faith in your abilities. If you are good, believe me no one can replace you, wether its a guy in Inida or some one on H1B. I spent 7 years in new york before coming to london and generally the only people I found to bitter about foreigners taking american jobs through outsourcing or work permits were junior people without much to offer, senior people without a will to grow and learn or mediocre people (mostly from places south of new jersey and east of california - granted I also met some of the most open minded people in Nevada, Arizona and Texas).
How you choose to live is up to you, but keeping an open mind has been such a great pleasure and an ultimate release for myself that I highly recommend it to anyone who fears the unknown or outsiders. What opened my mind was a group of very friendly indian people who welcomed me as friend despite me being a Pakistani and not very receptive initially. These coworkers and managers gave me opportunity to grow, learn and were a blast to work with. As a result I am now a firm believer that the only way forward in South Asia is through peace and complete disarming of both nuclear states.
Similarly I have had American friends who changed my views about Americans completely. You know visiting programming forums with even the slightest political bias or even center left forums, you would think that entire American populace wants to flatten middle east. I once had lunch with a deeply right wing conservative who asked the bartender to turn off the television because I was visibly upset at what was being shown - it was the first day (or night rather) of the shock and awe campaign, I was left in complete awe of this gentleman and have never grouped Americans as a single entity responsible for US foreign ploicy ever since.
Thanks for your time.