Non combat based MMO


My wife has been playing YPP for quite some time, and is looking for a change. She’s not in to combat, so DAoC, WOW, EVE etc are all out. She likes the puzzle aspect of YPP, and the social side of things. Single player wise she has played and enjoyed things like sim city and zoo tycoon etc. I can’t think of any non combat based MMO’s and figured someone in the community here might have a clue of things to look at?



Hmm…dunno about wives…but…maybe that game neopets or what was its name…gl :slight_smile:

Anything Korean, pretty much.

Might need to learn a new language, though - not many have made it to this side of the world, and the majority of those that have are cheapo imports where western companies have selected the combat-based ones rather than the more successful (expensive to license) social driven games.

Actually, you didnt meantion ATITD - might want to try that one.

Oops, and -

cough there is a “modify” button, my dear poster of 4000+

Where do you think I got 3000 of my 4000 from? ::slight_smile:

And … there is a clue in my username :smiley:

…but, basically, I was trying to avoid someone replying to it and then the mods being lost. Sorry.