I used to love randomized worlds and procedurally generated things because of their replayability but nowadays I came to a point where I prefer games with premade levels (and good storylines) instead of random ones with a very few exceptions.
Those few exceptions are mostly Minecraft, Spelunky and the rest where the random elements have a huge impact on the gameplay. However, most games that feature random elements doesn’t affect the gameplay enough to compensate for the loss of a consistent world with a contiguous storyline.
This is why I’m afraid of this game’s random elements too, it’s nice to have random planets, but what’s the point if those planets aren’t important in any ways? When the guy was asked about the gameplay elements all he said is that there will be no scripted quests and similar, but he didn’t say anything else meaningful. Player interaction is not core according to the interviewed developer, sooo what should a player do if there are no quests, no objectives and there is barely any player interaction?
With that being said I’m looking forward to this game and hope it turns out fun.