Ninja - Multiplayer Platformer [with source code]

I’ve just finished the alpha version of a new platformer I’ve been working on called Ninja (working title). It’s a multiplayer platformer, and can have up to 2 players on keyboards and as many PS4 controllers as you can plug in. Players get points for being the first to complete the levels.

One the good aspects of this game is that levels can be created from CSV files, so I got my kids to design some levels. If they’re added to the maps directory, they are listed and can be played straight away.


I’ve just released this game. Download is at

And I’ve just released the source: . There seems to be a lack of open-source platformer games in Java, so hopefully this might go someway to rectifying that. I also pride myself on source code that “just works”, as I know from experience how annoying it can be downloading source and getting it to work. The source to this (and hopefully all) my games should compile and run without any messing about. :slight_smile:

Jesus fucking Christ

In a good way?

Tried running on Mac OS X 10.12.5 but got just a white screen.

Thanks for giving it a go. I’ve never tried it on a Mac, and don’t have access to one. I guess there was no error message or anything?

I really like the jumping(?) sound effect.

Hi, @SteveSmith - I tried to play this game, and I couldn’t press any of the buttons in the menu. The buttons on the screen were NORMAL Race to the DEATH, and Testing. None of them responded to my mouse. Hope this can get fixed soon. :smiley:

I’ll have a look ASAP. Can I confirm that it’s the version you downloaded from GameJolt (i.e. not from source)?

Game unable to launch from GameJolt download, well it does launch, just can’t get to any content.

Error throws:

C:\Users\Sralse\Downloads\multiplayerplatformer>java -jar multiplayerplatformer.jar
Loading image cache...
Finished loading image cache
Initialize native Gamepad API.
[DEBUG] Controller provider ready: org.gamepad4j.desktop.DesktopControllerProvider
ERROR: Can't update axis of device!
ERROR: Can't update axis of device!
ERROR: Can't update axis of device!
ERROR: Can't update axis of device!
ERROR: Can't update axis of device!
        at com.scs.multiplayerplatformer.mapgen.MapLoader.GetMaps(
        at com.scs.multiplayerplatformer.start.SelectLevelModule.<init>(
        at com.scs.multiplayerplatformer.start.SelectGameModeModule.optionSelected(
        at com.scs.multiplayerplatformer.MainThread.updateGame(

Yes, sir. I downloaded the Gamejolt version.

Thanks all for the details. I’m very annoyed with myself - I forgot to include the maps. Damn! I’ve just done another upload and all should be well now. Note to self: always test the uploaded release.