NIFTY - fast paced twin-stick shooter with procedural generation

Hello fellow Java developers & gamers!
After 4 years of development (basically writing our own engine with Java & LWJGL) we - the 2 guys from ‘Pixel with Hat’ - are finally ready to release our game.

‘a NIFTY game’ is a fast paced twin stick shooter reminiscent of old arcade games reinterpreted with voxels. Gather powerups with unique effects and collect better weapons to defeat the ever changing enemies and collect their bits.

NIFTY takes place in a simulated world, inhabited by various programs, all competing for resources (bits). Defeat the other programs to gather their bits and increase your own strength. But take care, the system gets corrupted the more programs get forcefully terminated. Can you survive the evolving programs and the increasing corruption of the system long enough to escape the simulation?


(all glitchy effects are completely intentional!)



The game is currently in the last open beta before the release in early 2017.


Questions, comments, ideas and Greenlight votes are highly appreciated!