- Game Applet - Boulderdash style


I have earlier made a game named Ryerplex and placed the game as a subpage on my personal website.
I have now made a seperate page for the game and added additional levels.

Take a look:

I recommend creating a user, it allows you to play alle the levels. (Guests can only play the first 10 levels)
Creating a user does not inl´clude any email verifycation or anything. It is fast and painless.

What do you think?

Hello Danskeren,

your game is quite cool and addictive! :smiley:

I guess that your next step is to improve the graphics? They’re kind of bland. At the same time, you might consider make the window a bit bigger?

Do you have sound?


Glad you like it. Sound would be very nice to have. Im not sure if im gonna change the graphics. :slight_smile:


Oh, that brings back memories :slight_smile:

I have a few comments/questions:

  • When the page reloads for the next level, focus is lost and I have to click the applet again which is annoying. Why the reloading in the first place?
  • Why don’t I die when something drops on me?
  • Do you plan on enemies?
  • When you register on the site, it would be nice if you’d be logged on automatically
  • I agree the graphics obviously need work, but I’d also prefer if the graphics were twice as big, maybe with scrolling too

Anyway, I think it’s a great start and I’d love to see this progress. I just love boulderdash :slight_smile:

I don’t get it. The “gravity” was really confusing me.

One thing I did notice is that the physics are slightly different than in the original BoulderDash.
IIRC, in boulderdash rocks and diamonds will not fall if they are on top of dirt, but they will fall when they are on other rocks or diamonds:

#O #
The top rock ('O') will fall in boulderdash ('#' is dirt)

#O #
In boulderdash the rock ('O') won't fall, but falls in Ryerplex

Of course things don’t necessarily have to be exactly the same as Boulderdash, but the the above sitation does seem to make a little bit more sense to me in Boulderdash.

Yeah, I think that’s what was confusing me. I was never quite sure when it would fall or not, and rocks seemed to wait for me to go below them.