Newest JINPUT: 3 versions of linux fail after GetControllers


ControllerEnvironment evn = ControllerEnvironment.getDefaultEnvironment();
Controller[] controllers = evn.getControllers();

Output: (reproducible on all 3 of my friend’s linux boxes)

Failed to open device (/dev/input/event6): Failed to open device /dev/input/event6 (13)

Failed to open device (/dev/input/event5): Failed to open device /dev/input/event5 (13)

Failed to open device (/dev/input/event4): Failed to open device /dev/input/event4 (13)

Failed to open device (/dev/input/event2): Failed to open device /dev/input/event2 (13)

Failed to open device (/dev/input/event1): Failed to open device /dev/input/event1 (13)

Failed to open device (/dev/input/event0): Failed to open device /dev/input/event0 (13)

Linux plugin claims to have found 0 controllers

^ what is “hopeful” is that it does say “claims to have found 1 controllers” whenever we plug in our DDR dance mat to the usb adaptor :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve seen posts handling this bug, but I fear it’s… reemerged? BTW the application works beautifully on my windows

err heres the applet:

It’s not a bug. It’s the way linux works. See this thread, and this one.



Thanks, me and my friend are looking for a way to give embedded applets in linux firefox root access. Because it’s already signed, and has read privvies… but somehow can’t read these linux files

because that’s what we’re doing.

There are security implications in reading those files, which is why they are not readable by default on most distributions. The way round this is for the admin on the system to give read (or for rumble support read/write) access to the user(s) running the jinput application. You could run an application as root. You might get root privs in the applet running the browser as root also, which would stop the need for changing the file permissions.



Sorry for necroing my old thread, but I gotta solve this problem.

My game is really coming along, and works beautifully on mac & Windows. However, my linux friends have decided that it is unacceptable to run the game as root.

Here is some of the joystick input code Stepmania uses, which does NOT have to be run as root to get to full and superfast joystick access:

How high on the priority list is getting non-root access working on linux? A simple switch to disable force feedback (Since I need it for nothing) may help, but it looks like we’re having trouble even reading (Stepmania, once again, gets full access to my dance pads whereas jinput gets the “failed to create device” error)



For a long time (2 years or so) JInput will fall back to no force feedback if it can’t open the ev node as read write. If it can’t open it at all it will just move on. You still need read access to the event nodes if you want to use them, but the joystick nodes should also be checked, so even if you have no permissions, some limited functionality should still be available on joysticks. What is the latest version you have tried with?


A call to the Version.getVersion() class returned


Anyway, I’ve been working on the other parts of my game pretty heavily the past month (being able to use controllers on the developing system, windows, made this possible), so I’ll get the newest version this afternoon and try it out again on my friends’ computers.

Sorry for posting a rant and not following up on it, i’ll get back to you later today.