I’m quite a beginner that I don’t even feel right calling myself a “dev”.
I’m 25 doing a degree in Com Sci.
Programming Experience
I only really learned Programming (Java) mid 2014. But ever since I learned “Hello World” I’ve been grinding ever since.
I know some JavaScript and PhP but mainly just reading and understanding code.
Game Programming Experience
I’m making my 2nd game aka “First Serious Game”;
Screen Shot
It’s going to be a Ninja Platformer.
Library Experience:
My first game was another platformer without libraries, So I had to tinker the “engine” myself.
I’ve also followed lots of YouTube tutorials and copied and modified their game. I don’t consider those games I made.
Other Tools I use for Development
- Spriter for Animating 2d Sprites
- Texture Packer
- Tiled
- Sketchbook for Galaxy - “I draw game art on my Note 3”
- paint.net;
- my girlfriend for character concepts
My stregnths
- I’m very keen on just coding in general. I used to play WoW 12 hours a day, It’s been replaced by coding. 10 hours theory crafting 2 hours writting
- I have concrete ideas on how to make a good game, and a succesful game.does not mean my ideas are right
My Weaknesses
- too many
- I have only used libGdx, box2d and tiled. No experience with other libraries.
- No experience with anything 3d.
- Zero experience with network programming
- Zero experience with sound
Additional Info and why I want to find a team.
I want to be a programming wizard aside from making great games. Since I’ve started my project (screenshot above), I feel like my programming skills is not leveling up as fast as I would like because I’m working on just libGdx and box2d. So I want to join a Team so I can be exposed to other people’s code and I can actually ask them in real time why they decided to code it this way. I would also like to experience other libraries people are using or their personal engines.
Additionally I can be caught up hours and hours thinking how to go about an aspect in my game when all I really need is a fresh pair of eyes or a someone that approaches things differently.
What I expect from my team
Prepared to be bombarded with questions.
I want the team I’m joining or at least the leader to be committed to the team and developing games. I can understand sometimes projects can be shut down for all sorts of reasons, I’m okay with that, as long as we can bounce back and work on something else.
Lastly I want to say I don’t expect to be paid I’m mostly in it for gaining experience and be friends with other game making enthusiasts. I mean I guess everyone in this forum are game enthusiasts but we’re not really friends… yet.
Don’t want to CODE ALONE ANYMORE!!! :’(