Newbie Dev Looking for a Team.

I’m quite a beginner that I don’t even feel right calling myself a “dev”.
I’m 25 doing a degree in Com Sci.

Programming Experience
I only really learned Programming (Java) mid 2014. But ever since I learned “Hello World” I’ve been grinding ever since.
I know some JavaScript and PhP but mainly just reading and understanding code.

Game Programming Experience
I’m making my 2nd game aka “First Serious Game”;
Screen Shot

It’s going to be a Ninja Platformer.

Library Experience:


My first game was another platformer without libraries, So I had to tinker the “engine” myself.
I’ve also followed lots of YouTube tutorials and copied and modified their game. I don’t consider those games I made.

Other Tools I use for Development

  • Spriter for Animating 2d Sprites
  • Texture Packer
  • Tiled
  • Sketchbook for Galaxy - “I draw game art on my Note 3”
  • my girlfriend for character concepts :slight_smile:

My stregnths

  • I’m very keen on just coding in general. I used to play WoW 12 hours a day, It’s been replaced by coding. 10 hours theory crafting 2 hours writting :slight_smile:
  • I have concrete ideas on how to make a good game, and a succesful game.does not mean my ideas are right

My Weaknesses

  • too many
  • I have only used libGdx, box2d and tiled. No experience with other libraries.
  • No experience with anything 3d.
  • Zero experience with network programming
  • Zero experience with sound

Additional Info and why I want to find a team.
I want to be a programming wizard aside from making great games. Since I’ve started my project (screenshot above), I feel like my programming skills is not leveling up as fast as I would like because I’m working on just libGdx and box2d. So I want to join a Team so I can be exposed to other people’s code and I can actually ask them in real time why they decided to code it this way. I would also like to experience other libraries people are using or their personal engines.

Additionally I can be caught up hours and hours thinking how to go about an aspect in my game when all I really need is a fresh pair of eyes or a someone that approaches things differently.

What I expect from my team
Prepared to be bombarded with questions.
I want the team I’m joining or at least the leader to be committed to the team and developing games. I can understand sometimes projects can be shut down for all sorts of reasons, I’m okay with that, as long as we can bounce back and work on something else.

Lastly I want to say I don’t expect to be paid I’m mostly in it for gaining experience and be friends with other game making enthusiasts. I mean I guess everyone in this forum are game enthusiasts but we’re not really friends… yet.

Don’t want to CODE ALONE ANYMORE!!! :’(

There are a ton of posts on this forum looking for a team. Try searching the word “team” in the forum search.

Here’s one that was just posted a couple days ago:

I’ve already browsed through all the “looking for team members thread”. I’ve messaged this guy as well as a few others. Most of the other threads are over a year old.

Well I suppose that tells you something about how successful these projects are.

That’s okay I’m not really looking for success projects. Mainly for experience and a chance to work and contribute with others.

All of those projects fail to even start. :point:

To be fair they may have started but not with people from here, a lot of people here are anti team work unless its for a more advanced project (so they know they aren’t wasting their time), but the truth is you are probably right, most would have fizzled in to nothing

@Hakired You might struggle a little bit to find your team but don’t let that stop you trying, there are a lot of good people on this forum who have some exceptionally good knowledge but most people are either studying or have full time jobs so time is quite precious and is normally dedicated ot personal projects and for helping out on questions. If you don’t find a team you will still have some good resources to extract information from when you have specific questions.

Hi,if you are really zealous to code new games for experience as well as satisfaction, you can contact me at am also in a similar condition like you and want to develop a team.If you would like to join my team,contact me soon.I am also a programmer and together I think we can develop great games!!!