can anyone tell me how i make a new empty world?
World myWorld = new World();
if i call a render(world) on this it blows up.
the docs say i need to add a Camera, Background and
World world = new World();
// create a camera
iCamera = new Camera();
iCamera.setPerspective(60.0f, // field of view
(float) getWidth() / (float) getHeight(), // aspectRatio
1.0f, // near clipping plane
1000.0f); // far clipping plane
// create a light
iLight = new Light();
iLight.setColor(0xffffff); // white light
iLight.setIntensity(lightIntensity); // overbright
// background
and i still get a BANG… no joy on the render(world)
call. just blows up
can anyone help? i want an world rendering with
nothing in it. then i can add my own groups and nodes
at runtime…
cheers all bish bosh… jazz