Yeah, no gravity or collision detection yet. just the basics of getting the level diplsay, control panel display, basic character movement, music, etc… Hmm, 55FPS on a P3-733, I was hoping for more.
Machine 1: WinXP, P3-733Mhz, ATI XPert 128 (55 FPS)
Machine 2: Win2K, P3-930Mhz, NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 (74 FPS, maxed refresh rate-1, a little jerky)
Machine 3: Win2k, P4-1.3Ghz, GeForce4 Ti 4600 (75 FPS, maxed refresh rate, smooth as glass)
Machine 4: NA,P4-1.8Ghz, GeForce4 Go (60 FPS maxed refresh rate)
Anyone else have a set of FPS values and machine specs running this? Would be nice to know just how far down the machine ladder it will go.
The second monitor thing with apps getting pushed to the side happens on my machine at home and the one at work as well, it has something to do with how full screen mode uses the video memory.