While walking the dog this-afternoon I got thinking about ways to fix the underlying cause of piracy. (rather trying to fight it directly as most current solutions are attempting)
Due to the nature of software it is essencially free to duplicate.
The fundamental purpose of software is to accomplish tasks more efficiently.
Therefore, in an ideal world everyone who needs software for a particular task should have access it, because in the end the planet as a whole benefits.
The problem is, currently licensing costs inhibit this ideal scenario.
Not every individual or organisation can afford the licensing costs needed to provide the ideal software for a given task, typically leading to inferior alternatives being used. (Would GIMP exist if Photoshop was available to all?)
More over, licensing software requires a significant initial outlay for an uncertain return, and has almost zero resale value.
So, my idea was to defer the IP cost of software until some future point in time; based upon the profitability of the company or earnings of the individual.
For example, a company would begin paying off it’s IP debt when it becomes profitable.
An individual on the otherhand would pay off IP debt on all earnings above a predetermined threshold. (Similar to the way Student loans are repaid here in the UK)
This solution introduces the graduation in licensing costs that are currently absent from the market place; thereby making software available to all, at a price appropriate to their finances.