New to Java3D, Basic Tutorials?

Ive been Working in java 2D for a couple years, Have been to busy with work to finish anything, but now that Im back I wanted to Up the ante so to speak and work on a 3D game, but I don’t know where to start. If someone can point me at a tutorial that shows me How to make a Plane a Shape and Change the camera Angle in Java3D I should be able to Work up from there.

Also im working in Ubuntu Studio Lucid, and recommendation as for an IDE? Back in the Day I used JBuilder, but I cant get that on Linux. Ivbe tried NetBeans, but ive been having a hard time finding things…

I wouldn’t really recommend Java3D at this stage, its pretty much dead (dying?).

You’d be better of using some of the more active and popular java 3d engines/Scenegraph like jMonkeyEngine, Ardor3d, jPCT or Xith3D.

Or if you want to go a little more low level you can try OpenGL directly with either LWJGL or JOGL.

Which one do you recommend? I looked at all of them Briefly, I got confused with Andor3D, Im thinking about going with jMonkeyEngine. Still not sure…

All are pretty good choices.

If you really must pick one and your new to all this stuff, then I’d go with jMonkeyEngine as the community around it is much more helpful, active and it has slightly better documentation.

Ardor3D has an excellent maintenance and lots of examples. Some open source projects use it including mine. It works with Android too. JMonkeyEngine 3 is very interesting too, it has its own game development environment inside Netbeans and is more stable than JMonkeyEngine 2.