I started a thread to know about API which can be used to make 2D games like on Pogo.com (Card, Board etc) . http://www.java-gaming.org/index.php?topic=21778.new;topicseen#new
Some suggested me to use
Slick2D (fast opengl accelerated) and Pulpcore (especially for applets)
networking kryonet library
After than I started my research to look for more options. I am here to get more advice.
I been looking around and found Java 2D API here http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/index.jsp .
Now questions are
1 - Java 2D API different from Pulpcore, Slick2D?
2 - Can I only use Java 2D API for making 2D games mentioned above?
3 - Which is the best API option for above mentioned games like on Pogo.com
4 - NetBeans IDE is the right choice?
5 - Don’t you think its easy to make 2D games in Flash than Java?
Thanks in advnace and hope someone will help me to get started.