New Forum online..

Following Riven’s demand, I set up a forum (SMF, bridged with Joomla). All your user accounts have been synchronized and every new user will be registered automagically in both.

Enjoy ! (Forum item in menu at

I set current admins on this sub-board on JGO as admins on this forum, most discussion should go now there as JGO guys are annoyed to see that much posts about Xith… if you feel like a category is missing, hit an administrator (e.g. me, Qudus, yvg, willdenniss).

I’d like to see it as a request, not a demand :wink:

Anyway, I hope it works out for you guys, so that you can achieve your goals in Xith.

Don’t forget to notify us about the milestones :wink:

Wow, cool ;D.
Do we have the latest version of the board software here on JGO? The one you’e set up seems to be somewhat more featurerich :).

Now, where we have our own board, whouldn’t it make sense to setup multiple forums on it to have the posts a little sorted? Then one or two users should be maked as moderators for these forums (just as it is here on JGO) to give the users a hint on who is the one most responsible for specific subjects.

I suggest to create these forums (with specific moderators):

  • General administration (William Denniss, Marvin Fröhlich, Amos Wenger)
  • Render pipeline (William Denniss, Marvin Fröhlich, Yuri)
  • Scenegraph maintainance (William Denniss, Marvin Fröhlich, Amos Wenger)
  • Texture Loader (Matthias Mann, Amos Wenger)
  • Picking (Arne Müller, Yuri, Amos Wenger, Marvin Fröhlich)
  • Sound (Amos Wenger)
  • Model Loaders (the specific authors)
  • Wrapper classes (Marvin Fröhlich)
  • Terrain (William Denniss, Mathias (aka Cylab))
  • HUD (Marvin Fröhlich)
  • XIN (Amos, Wenger, Marvin Fröhlich)
  • W3G (Amos Wenger)

What do you think?


EDIT: please forgive me, if I forgot anybody to mention as possible moderator. Just post a short note about it.

Bitching: Hawkwind… ;D

Yeah, ok. But where do you wanna be added as a Moderator?


Registered ! but it was quite painful (initial password didn’t work, then after resetting it, got directed to an error page.

I’d add another subforum :

  • Game production pipeline (discuss everything not directly related to Xith but required to fully develop a game : building, packaging, installing, security, …)

Lilian :slight_smile:

I agree. If Amos also agrees, I would do that.


* Amos Wenger looking at to know the difference
Ah yeah, sorry.

Well, I hope so.

As if… ;D no just joking. Okay no problems important news will be cross-posted…

Thanks, yes it is the exact same version (SMF 1.1 RC3)… just a prettier theme… ;D And the fresh one on Xith doesn’t suffer of all the problems caused by a massive users+messages migration that have been done on JGO.

Well I already have created some.

Well, you’re admin, aren’t you ? ;D ;D I think it’s better if you can do that yourself (so that you can have more control over it)…
To access the admin, just click the “Admin” item in the vertical toolbar at the top of the forum.

And don’t forget Lilian’s category (game production pipeline)

Yes, I know, I’m admin. I’ve already browsed through the admin pages. But I didn’t want to do this without having some opinions on that. I’ll do that now.


The forums are created.

Thanks ^^

[quote=“Amos Wenger,post:1,topic:28811”]
For the record, an awful lot of us aren’t at all annoyed about it, rather the opposite.

Oh well. I’m assuming this will follow the LWJGL model - all important news and updates (espeically features, fixes, workarounds, etc) will continue to be posted on JGO, although if I’ve got lots of extra time on my hands and/or need extra detail on a problem, will be the place to go?

Maybe that “awful lot” should stand up and be counted then, especially if they feel “rather the opposite”. Rather like hawkwind has rightly done.

I’m sure if plenty of people raised their hands and said they wanted to keep all the Xith detailed internal discussions here on JGO then the Xith folks would be more than happy to keep it here - if only to stick their fingers up at the complainers (me included of course). Though to be honest it seems to me the forums on Xith are going to be far more use than one big blob of posts thats found here anyway.


You’re right, I shouldn’t have been so assumptive - it was only a general impresison from what others said previous times this issue has come up, both IRL and in IRC as well as on the boards.

I apparently missed the discussion that concluded with “lets get rid of xith”, so I don’t know what was said, but as you said it appears to be something xith people are happy with, so likewise I didn’t want to cause a fuss unnecessarily. Just wanted to make the point that at least one :wink: person was very happy with xith here, making it easy to keep up with the changes and improvements (materially affecting how soon it is I next try to use xith on a major project). I do (did) genuinely believe that I was far from alone on this. Oh well, maybe not :(.

Bit quick to assume that, maybe the replies of support will come flooding in tomorrow when Europe wakes up.


Well, for me the problem is that for my game development I have often relied on old posts from here, and these posts obviously won’t be transferred in

So it’s a mixed feeling : a better structured - but empty - new forum against a single entry in a larger community with many interesting topics.

Also I don’t know if there’s enough activity with xith to require this new forum. Sure there’s a burst of posts these days but will it last ?

Not an easy choice, at least for me.

Lilian :slight_smile:

It’s a big problem to have a new forum getting started when you have 2 dozen sub-boards already.
It feels like you’re lost, nobody is going to reply, etc etc. Better to start small, and grow.

A few days ago the new posts in the Xith-subboard at JGO were really about 50%, and that
became a little too much, for me, personally, so I sent Amos a PM to ask if he couldn’t post
the ‘daily ups and downs’ talking about who did what, and why, and how - in a forum at

Well for me it’s not a problem to have a dozen of sub-boards, even if some are empty… it means that these parts are satisfying (or unused :slight_smile: )

Well, c_lilian, would you be interested into compiling informations from the interesting posts here on JGO in a more structured way ? That could surely help.
On the other hand, a bagful of things have changed since the majority of that has been posted… so fresh information is coming…

Well, thanks a million! (motivating one, isn’t it…)

In some ways I just want to bypass these things, but then after another coffee I feel differently. …

use of these boards are not subject to popular opinion or subject to being voted up or down. Its that simple…really, sit back ,consider things, and you all will realize that these boards are like any public setting…in public places I am constantly appalled by levels of perfume, inconsiderate cell phone usage, and old people in bikini’s. I also understand that I don’t have the right to compell them to change.

There is a strong case for large active participation. If you have read of the development model at google you see they support new ideas being posted and if they garner a large enough group of supporters they become active development project.s This gathering of participating people is the nature of Googles success.

These boards…all of them…have sparked many new directions in my and others personal gaming development, in the last few years people have come and gone from many of these boards. Some places have grown (JME) some places cycle (Xith) The cycling groups really need the new blood who wander in and take an interest to survive. New people are attracted to larger boards…its that simple. I personally beleave it is the sum of all of the boards that attracts so many people who might not have gotten involved in a smaller board.

So after a large ramble I will continue to post here but I will also be considerate of the volume of posts.

If ya didn’t like this post, don’t blame me blame starbucks!!!

For starters, I like the fact you’ve taken a stance and stuck with it! :slight_smile:

While I agree that this is a public place, as with any public place, if someone was standing in the corner shouting loudly so that I couldn’t hear the people I was with talking normally (which is my perception of Xith forums) then I’d expect to be well within my rights to ask them (compell them if you will) to stop doing it. Whether they do it or not is of course their right to choose, and comes down to their consideration for other people’s opinions and of course whether they think it’s a problem or not.

For the record, no one complained about volume of posts. I think we’d all be happy to see a shed load of people asking game development questions about using Xith in their projects - it’d be good and no doubt an interesting read. The problem is coming to the “New Posts” page and finding I have to skip pages to get past a discussion between the same 5 ish people about whether a package name should be changed and what to (for instance, please don’t reply as though this particular subject is the only problem, it really isn’t). This sort of level of discussion is issue for me at least (I presume whoever else has a similar problem) and best belongs on a dedicated forum or email list. Most of this level of issue will be discovered and resolved very quickly by someone using Xith and won’t actually matter to someone just watching Xith’s progress with an interested eye (like myself).

If the content of this board remains at a level where everyone can be interested and understand it I think it’ll be far more approachable to Xith newbs who happen across the board here.

Either way, really don’t bypass it, apathy kills. :slight_smile:
