New Feature - Grab

Its been a long time since I’ve posted here (mainly because I moved to using JMonkeyEngine). Anyways, I have recently bought a Razer Nostromo and Razer doesn’t make drivers for Linux. So I developed them ;D

In order to provide remapping of keys from the nostromo to any keyboard or mouse event, system input events have to be stopped. I discovered how to do this through another project and implemented this feature in jinput. Note, I’ve only implemented this for Linux. Does anyone think this might be useful to include in the main branch?

grab.patch - includes the new feature “grab” which is only implemented in Linux. Windows and OSX users will get a false returned from the grab function since this feature isn’t implemented. The new function grabs the device so that no other programs (including the window manger) get events.

Question: I have only compiled for amd64 (since thats what I am running). Anyone know how to compile for 32-bit?

Finally, if you are interested in how I am using jinput, check out my new project jnostromo

Sorry to not talk about the topic, but this is a better link for your awesome purchase :slight_smile:

My GCC (I assume that’s what you’re using) is rusty. I think that you want -m32. “info gcc” should tell you what you need to do. :wink:

Is that link different then the one I posted?

I’m using the ant build scripts in jinput. Is there an option to compile for all OS’s and architectures?

Not now ??? the first time lead me to a general razor page. Maybe they… did something? lol :slight_smile: