Nehe tutorials ported to jogl 2.0 (1-13 so far)

Hi everyone,

Recently I decided to pick up on java and opengl again using JOGL.
I was only used to 1.1 version so I decided to port the Nehe tutorials to Jogl 2.0.
However I ran into some trouble with tutorial 9 and 10.

Tutorial 9: No matter what color I specify before drawing the squares/stars they are always white/grayish

I have attached the code from all current Tutorials i have converted (first 10). I also made a selection menu so u can easy run each
different tutorial.

If anyone has any idea I would like to hear em. Remarks on the current converted code are also welcome.
I will also try and convert eventualy all tutorials and if people are interested in all tutorialcode let me know and I might upload them


EDIT updated link to lessons 13 : File name: File size: 417.38 KB


Can you tell me which version of JOGL 2.0 you use? Which build exactly? Can you rather put a ZIP? I cannot open RAR files. Some tutorials for JOGL are always welcome. Thanks.

I used version 2.0-b41-20110916 and I uploaded the archive as zip now

Why can’t you open RAR files? There are lots of excellent free open source programs that can open RAR files, like 7-zip :slight_smile:

I was at work when I wrote that. I have a root access only on my machines at home. I know 7-zip and I already use it.

@Sebastiaan Rather use GLProfile.getMaxFixedFunc() because the default profile might be the highest forward compatible programmable profile in the future on some graphics cards. I haven’t found why your tutorial 9 was not working.

I uploaded the new code to include tutorials 11 to 13.

I solved the problem in tutorial 10 with the textures by adjusting the original nehe world.txt to something more suitable
In tutorial 13 however i dont see the text being printed on the screen.

Maybe ask some help on the official JOGL forum ( You should ask Michael Bien (bienator here) to add your tutorials to our wiki.

I made topic there too, I solved the tutorial 13 problem by adjusting the translate position
In tutorial 12 however it seems for every triangle it draws and extra black sqaure/triangle that interferes with the cubes rendered thus making it look like corners of the cubes are missing