Need Help with nVidia GPU Gems Program!

Hello JOGL comunity! I’m Trying to deploy a Java port for a nVidia GPU Gems CD code more specificaly in the topic Beyond Triangles(Applying Real-Time Shading to 3D Ultrasound Visualization).

The C code program that I’m working make a call to a function called glTexImage3DEXT so, there is no implementation of this function in JOGL 2. I’m using the last Night Build of released in 22-Aug-2009.

By the way, thanks for the implementation of JOGL 2! Nice Work!!!

Best regards
Claudio E. Goes

hi, just use the glTexImage3D function

its in the GL2GL3 profile. (more about profiles)

All redundant extensions which are already in core have been removed (AFAIK).

I’ve read that, too, but I’m wondering: what does JOGL 2 do when only the extension or arb function is available? Would calling gl.glTexImage3D or gl.glBufferData correctly map to gl.glTexImage3DEXT or gl.glBufferDataARB when appropriate?

Thank’s for reply, please, look the follow images of the problem…

The image above is from the original program provide by nVidia in C Language:

And the image above is from my Java JOGL 2 code using the glTexImage3D insted of glTexImage3DEXT:

How can you see there is a diference beetwen images. So the conversion beetwen OpenGL in C and Java must have the same effect. I tryed fo fix the code to have the same effect in Java in all this week and now I’m giving up and asking for some one to see the code and please try to found the error.

C Version Program can be take here:

Java Version Program can be take here (Using the Netbeans 6.7.1):

Any help will be appreciated

Best Regards…
Claudio E. Goes