Alright I have redid my game engine twice now. First it was stored in a array of ints, then strings, and now its an array of the block class. But I hit a couple snags. It won’t show any tiles when I make a view port around my character and I have a feeling it is similarly related to why no blocks show up after the dirt ages and turns into grass. I was watching a tutorial on making a platformer and saw a guy use a block class that extended rectangle and I thought I could get more functionality of the blocks this way. Now each is able to age and store data that I couldn’t do before. Like I’ve said I have done tile maps before but I never tried with this approach.
This is my WorldGen code with it actually showing tiles and the render method down there has the commented out view port code that doesnt work for whatever reason.
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
public class WorldGen{
byte tileSize = 25;
int worldSize = 1000;
Block[][] block = new Block[worldSize][worldSize];
public WorldGen()
for(int y = 0; y < worldSize; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < worldSize; x++)
block[x][y] = new Block(new Rectangle(x * tileSize, y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize), "dirt"); // Makes all blocks dirt
public void tick() //Updates blocks I didn't check to see if this worked or not and im sure the little buffer to updating the tiles around you might not work out so well
for(int y = PlayerChar.playerY - GameMain.yBuff - 20; y < PlayerChar.playerY + GameMain.yBuff + 20; y++)
for(int x = PlayerChar.playerX - GameMain.xBuff - 20; x < PlayerChar.playerX + GameMain.xBuff + 20; x++)
public void render(Graphics g)
for(int y = 0; y < 100; y++) //Kinda Working Graphics
for(int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
block[x][y].render(g, x * tileSize, y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
/*for(int y = PlayerChar.playerY - GameMain.yBuff; y < PlayerChar.playerY + GameMain.yBuff; y++) // Not Working
for(int x = PlayerChar.playerX - GameMain.xBuff; x < PlayerChar.playerX + GameMain.xBuff; x++)
block[x][y].render(g, x * tileSize, y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
Heres the block code I hope it makes sense but I never used things like set bounds before and what not so I could be not grasping how this all works at the moment. Have it go around 30 fps to 60 running it full tilt will make the grass grow way to quick.
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.Random;
public class Block extends Rectangle{
int randomAgeModifier = new Random().nextInt(5000); // I try to make my variables very self descriptive
int age = 0;
String blockDescriptor = null;
String blockType = null;
public Block(Rectangle size, String type) // Constructor
blockType = type;
public void tick() //Updert
public void age() // Ages the tiles should make sense there is a random number tacked on so they dont all start poppin up at the same time.
if(blockType == "dirt" && age > (randomAgeModifier + 4000))
blockType = "grass";
randomAgeModifier = new Random().nextInt(4000);
age = 0;
}else if(blockType == "grass" && age > (randomAgeModifier + 8000))
blockType = "denseGrass";
randomAgeModifier = new Random().nextInt(4000);
age = 0;
public void getDescriptor(String type) //Gives a descriptor to the block so if I put them together with an examine option it would give somthing like You look at the green grass blah blah blah
case "dirt":
this.blockDescriptor = "brown";
case "grass":
this.blockDescriptor = "green";
case "denseGrass":
this.blockDescriptor = "darkGreen";
public void render(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) // Draws Blocks with custom colors.
case "brown":
case "grass":
case "denseGrass":
g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
g.drawRect(x, y, width, height); // Just makes a gray outline of each tile