Need Help to develop game application using java applets

I am student of computer science I need to create a game application using JAVA APPLETS.

The game will be more like Crazy Machines/The Incredible Machine but not that much detailed.

Aim of this game is to simulate a real world environment in java Applet, where user can add objects like box, ball etc and these objects behavior must be same as if they are in real like gravity, force, acceleration, friction, inertia etc

in my opinion the Interface will be divided into two sections:
1. one section will contain the objects list where from the user will pick the object
2. second section will be simulating the real world environment.

for example: if i grab/insert the object from list and put it into the second section of the interface and if the user place that object in air without any support it should fall to the ground. or if there is any support it should stay on top of it depends on the angle of support. if that support is inclined then object has to fall down towards inclination. You will understand what i am trying to say better if you just watch 1 min. video of Crazy Machines (link is mentioned at the end).

Kindly suggest me where to start.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

P.S: following are the links to know more about crazy machines:

Incredible Machine

Just start with setting up a window, make some sort of a image loader for your textures, decide if you want it to be tiled based and work from there. If your teacher gave you this assignment, he/she probably taught you some java2D already, so you should be fine. Just do it yourself, dont ask for code or anything. The only way you’ll learn is by practicing.

One possibility is to use JBox2D (a Java implementation of the excellent Box2D physics library) as a starting point. See also the Box2D manual. They also have a testbed that runs in a Java Applet, so that should be possible.

If you work with physics its also very important to fix your timestep. If the timestep (the time difference between one frame and the next) of physics simulations becomes too big (e.g. because of a hiccup in your computer) the simulation may explode.

Also I would recommend using libgdx, it comes with its own port of Box2D (iirc straight from the C++ lib). Although libgdx does not quite support applets, you can port your project to html5.