Need american to buy stuff for me

Guild Wars ( have just recently completed their world preview event, and it was pretty f**king fantastic. So now I want to preorder - alas, no one in Denmark has it (apparently only shipped boxes to USA :().
So what I need, is for someone to purchase said product (10$) and once acquired email me the pass code needed.
I will transfer the money in advance - either by sending money to a paypal account, or by ordering the package online and having it shipped directly to whomever can help me out.
If need be, the package may have to be shipped to me (no idea what that costs (USA -> Denmark, cheapest option, gift wrapped (no tax ;D))) - I will ofcourse send money (preferably paypal) in advance to cover shipping.

Product in question:

anybody that can help me ?

/me waits patiently…

right - it doesn’t specifically have to be an american :wink: - just anybody that have access to the ~10$ package (not the 49.95$ pre-order).

any comments including the word addicted, will be viciously ignored ;D

I could probably handle this for you. You do know its not a pre-order per se, it just lets you continue playing the beta until launch. At that time, you have to buy the whole game. The website says they will credit you the $10 towards the purchase of the full version.

Let me know what you would like to do.

Dr. A>

yeah - I am aware of the fact that it is a pre-order that will let me play once a month untill ~ May 2005 when it’s released.

I am talking with JavaPunk about it right now, on IRC - though he doesn’t have a paypal account… He also mentioned that Best Buy had it too.

Do you have a paypal account?
Do you have any idea what it would cost to send that package to Denmark using the cheapest option ?

I live in Sweden and preorder Guild wars in Stockholm today. It’l be in my hands in about week the shopkeeper told me so maybe there are cheaper and easier way for you to get the game. Perhaps they have it in Denmark if you look around some :slight_smile:

right - got it!
JavaPunk helped me out THANKS!