N.B: "old" JOGL 1.1.1 JARs are unsigned since September 17th 2011


Oracle has updated its old JARs for JOGL 1.1.1a and its corresponding GlueGen JARs, it has removed their signing certificates:

[quote]It’s been several years since Oracle (previously Sun) have not been
providing support for the open source Java3D and JOGL projects. It was
decided a few months ago that keeping binaries signed with old Sun
signing certificates represented a potential security risk, and because
of this, we have removed the old Sun signing certificates for the
binaries on download.java.net.

The jar files are still there and can be used, but must now be signed by
the third party developer(s).

Nicolas Lorain
Java Product Management
Oracle Corporation
Santa Clara, CA, USA

As you may know, you cannot mix signed JARs and unsigned JARs by default since Java 1.6 update 19 (?). Then, you have several solutions:

  • allow mixed code (Java Control Panel -> ‘Advanced’ -> ‘Security’ -> ‘Mixed code’ (sandboxed vs. trusted) security verification), sign only JOGL 1.1.1a and GlueGen JARs, deploy them on your own server
  • do not allow mixed code, sign all JARs (those of your application(s) + JOGL 1.1.1a + GlueGen) and deploy JOGL 1.1.1a and GlueGen on your own server
  • switch to JOGL 2.0

If you want to host JOGL 1.1.1a and GlueGen on your own server, feel free to get the JARs and the JNLP file here:

If they disappear from this server, take them here:

I highly recommend you to switch to JOGL 2 as JOGL 1.1.1a is no more maintained. The following tutorial explains how to host JOGL 2 on your server:

If you need some help to port existing source code to JOGL 2, let me know.

N.B: JMonkeyEngine 2 has not yet been ported to JOGL 2 but I can do it if necessary. My port of JMonkeyEngine 3 won’t be available in a near future. Ardor3D port is ready to be used except its NEWT part.

Best regards

P.S: You can put references to JOGL and GlueGen JARs into your main JNLP file if you don’t want to write 2 other JNLP files (one for JOGL, one for GlueGen) as I did for TUER. Feel free to look at my JNLP files.