My Spaceship: a 2d shooter / arpg thing

Update Mar 7, 2020:

Added a minigame similar to capture-the-flag / king-of-the-hill (let me know if there’s a proper name for this). There’s a blue flag that spawns near the center. The team to possess it for ~15 seconds wins. While holding the flag, staying near the center of the arena earns points faster than staying near the edges of the arena. When the holding player dies, the flag respawns near the center ready to be picked up by another player.

Demo playable here (click on “GameEgg” button).


Update Nov 28:

Been continuing on this project. Added an arena-survival mode, 6 monster types, and 1 boss.
I’m hoping to still add audio, better graphics, more monster variety, and a gear crafting system.
Feedback welcome :slight_smile:


Browser playable demo:

Original post Aug 10 2018:



I’ve been working on a little project for 2 months. I’ve reached a good pausing point, and decided I’d give it a 1 month break while I gather some ideas of how to make it feel more game-like and less like an experiment. I thought some of you would have much better ideas than I could come up with :); so please feel free to give your opinions, even if you think it’s bad.

The vague idea is a top-down action rpg with combat focusing on movement and fight mechanics. I almost want it to play like mmorpg dungeons or raids, with interrupts and boss-stages and enrage timers and ground aoe’s and maybe even basic player attack rotation. It’s meant to be instance based with randomly generated maps (because I’m horrible and creating content). I hope to add some resource gathering, crafting, and skill tree, but am going to avoid adding quests and a story line.

As for the video, the top left is a minimap, bottom right is the player health bar & stamina bar, and bottom left are abilities (left-2-right: projectile attack, dash, and heal). Top center bar is the boss health and enrage timer. Aiming is with mouse, but caps-lock can target-lock onto a monster near the mouse to make it easier to aim while kiting and dashing around.

In case anyone’s interested in trying it out, I’ll upload it and add a link.

Disclosure, this is currently in javascript ;D (mainly because i hope more ppl could try it out if there’s no download-and-run-a-jar step). Initially, I thought I’d prototype in js, and then switch over to java, but now I’m not sure I’ll need to given performance for such a simple 2d game hasn’t been an issue. Lack of proper classes (with member fields and privacy modifiers) and interfaces and types is a bit annoying, but it’s not nearly as bad as you’d think; you can still pretend it’s java and write your code as such, but the ide and js engine won’t enforce rules…

You should try TypeScript then. The good thing for you is, that you can just rename your current .js files to .ts and it will work. So you don’t need to migrate your whole current codebase to another language. Then you can gradually add field declarations to your existing ES6/ES2015 classes and add interfaces and add variable/parameter/return type declarations to your existing functions as you go and just write new code using types/TypeScript.

I’ve used typescript before, didn’t like it that much (1. i disliked the colon syntax, 2. didn’t like setting up a compile step to my dev flow, and 3. the project i was using it with needed to modify some prototypes and that was a hassle with typescript). thanks for the suggestion though.

i’ve gone ahead and published a github page to demo the app, please give feedback :slight_smile:

aim with mouse
move with wasd
caps-lock to toggle target lock
q to toggle mini-map size
j to shoot
k to dash
l to heal

Added new video to top post :slight_smile:

Been continuing on this project. Added an arena-survival mode, 6 monster types, and 1 boss.
I’m hoping to still add audio, better graphics, more monster variety, and a gear crafting system.
Feedback welcome.

Added a minigame similar to capture-the-flag / king-of-the-hill (let me know if there’s a proper name for this). There’s a blue flag that spawns near the center. The team to possess it for ~15 seconds wins. While holding the flag, staying near the center of the arena earns points faster than staying near the edges of the arena. When the holding player dies, the flag respawns near the center ready to be picked up by another player.

Demo playable here (click on “GameEgg” button).
