My local library only allows boys in their sessions

I seen this petition, and I figured you guys might be interested in helping out. ( Not super off topic )

In my local library, a girl who has been participating in programming sessions since she was a few months old, was denied to join the robotics sessions because she was a girl. The libraries director, Elaine De Bonis explained

[quote]“boys academic and literacy skills don’t improve over the summer break therefore this program would only be offered to boys.”
I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean, it’s kind of cryptic.

[quote]“She said I could be added to a waiting list and if enough girls showed interest they could possibly look into offering it to girls in the future. I explained that it was unfair that I was being denied this opportunity simply because I am a girl, but she insisted I could not register”
Sign it if you want, ignore it if you don’t. Just wanted to post it up, because it’s a rising topic here in Canada. The library is a great place, I don’t how this popped up.

How is that even legal?

Is it a session being offered to members of a single gender (male) school?

Nope, we don’t have those anywhere near here. Also, if they do allow girls, it will be a completely different group and will be treated differently from the boys. Another thing to note is the director of the library is a woman… Go figure.

Signed because that is silly.

My advice would be to forget about petitions.
Instead, bypass this Elaine De Bonis, and talk to someone more senior.
Get in writing as to why a student is being discriminated against according to their gender.

Of course, she should get an Adult to do the representation on her behalf.


Oh never mind, read a bit further down the petition and saw that’s almost exactly what they’re doing :slight_smile: