I did this using jmonkey. Sorry but there is only video for now ;D
I did this using jmonkey. Sorry but there is only video for now ;D
Looks very nice.
Very beautiful, nice job.
The video is very impressive.
It looks very cool ;D
Very nice.
The brilliant thing is, that you skipped all the tough stuff, by ditching terrain and overall scenery
Still it looks stunning, because there is water :o
glad to see that you get the point :). I am looking for job now and I prepared this to be a reference project. I wanted to finish this game as soon as possible so I did it that way. It took 3 weeks, my friend made models(plane, rocket).
Everybody liked it except from my mother and father ;D
You could add subtile smoke trails, and don’t cap the height at 15.0m (see the enemy crash with a splash)
Further, this is perfect for a reference-project, although a tech-minded interviewer will easily identify the shortcuts you made.
But hey… there are little jobs in the game-industry, and those easy pickings, are probably going to exploit you bigtime.
Got a degree in Computer Science?
Any way we can play it? ;D
Yes I’ve graduated from computer science this year but I am in Turkey, there are very few companies here and to find work abroad seems difficult.
What are the little jobs, you mean somethings like the ones that can be found in freelance sites. Here most of the jobs are related to web/enterprise applications. If I can make a living by the little jobs you said I’d prefer them rather than work on something I don’t like.
At first I wasn’t planning to prepare something that people can play but it is better than I expected and people want to play when they see. I have to work more to prepare something packaged. First I shall find a job than I can do somethings about it.
Nice, although the sky and water are included in jME
and the flare
Nice work.
Gl with the job!!!
highly doubt since it was not him who made that game
Looks great Elix congrats
I take it as a compliment, thanks ;D
why would someone showcase a game here if they didn’t code it up themselves?
Please, I’m sorry to disturb you, could you provide rather a zip or gzip archive? It would be even better if you planned to use Java Web Start.