My first LibGDX game - SubSea

My first Android game written in Java :slight_smile:

It’s very simple and was made as a practice game before I go onto something a little bigger.
My sprites and textures were taken from free sources, such as, as I can’t do graphic design (well).

I used the libGDX framework which means it can run on IOS and HTML, which I’m hoping to sort out soon.
You can download the game here:

My games facebook page:

Any bugs can be posted here, if anyone wants to play it.
Thank you and good luck getting on the leaderboard.

Quite nice game considering it was your first project.
The graphics are Ok though can be improved.
I am no expert in the text over the screen but I suppose you are using BitmapFont there.
That can be considerably improved to bring in more of an artistic touch.
This is the only flaw I have seen so far.