Hey all, I’m using the loop below and it works great until I introduce a notifier to cap my rendering to 30 FPS (Basically so that it doesn’t render redundant frames and only renders when an update has occured)
Initially I was having problems with the sprites being choppy so added interpolation and it really helped to smooth things out, but as I say, on capping the rendering it has re-introduces intermittent (although not terrible) choppiness.
Any ideas? Thanks! :clue:
public void run() {
nextGameTick = System.nanoTime();
Canvas c;
while (running) {
loops = 0;
if (gameTimer==0){gameTimer=System.nanoTime();//frame=0;
while(System.nanoTime() > nextGameTick && loops < maxFrameskip){
nextGameTick += skipTicks;
float interpolation = (float)(System.nanoTime() + skipTicks - nextGameTick)
/ (float)(skipTicks);
if (updateGame == true) { //Has logic routine run? If so, then render
draw(c, interpolation);
if (c != null){
I’m setting updateGame to true in my updateMenu() method.
PS - After changing Systemclock.elapsedRealtime() to System.Nanotime() it seems to have helped a little, but it’s still not perfect.
I’m not creating any objects at run time and GC isn’t being triggered but this is probably not relevant anyway as if I don’t cap the rendering, it seems to run a lot smoother (which is kind of odd, as it’s only then rendering the same frame as before i.e., no sprite movements).
My guess is that my capping/notification is somehow playing havoc with interpolation calculation? (timing issue?)
Thanks again!