Multiscreen with JOGL+Newt on Windows 7


i have a machine with two graphic cards an two displays. Now i want to create a jogl application with two newt-windows (fullscreen) on both displays. I tried something like this:

Display display = NewtFactory.createDisplay(null);
Screen screen0 = NewtFactory.createScreen(display, 0);
Screen screen1 = NewtFactory.createScreen(display, 1);

GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(GLProfile.getDefault());

Window window0 = NewtFactory.createWindow(screen0, caps, true);
Window window1 = NewtFactory.createWindow(screen1, caps, true);

GLWindow glw0 = GLWindow.create(window0);
GLWindow glw1 = GLWindow.create(window1);

But both windows appear on the same screen. Is there an example how to use the multiscreen feature of newt?

I’m trying to do the same thing. Any help would be appreciated.




Why don’t you create 2 Display instances? I see only one instance.

Hm, i tried the code above on a linux mashine and it works fine. Both windows appears one different screens.
What is the difference between “Display” and “Screen”. In my opinion this are two words for the same thing.
I will try to generate two Display instances on Windows 7 but i can’t imagine that this will make a difference.

thx marc