So, it’s here at last. We have users with bigger screens (Droid at 800x480) and smaller screens (Tattoo at 320x240). How are you handling it?
I see that the SDK 2.0 has support for different sets of drawables for different screen reses. Which seems a bit half assed to me, however I can see this working for some stuff.
Some questions:
If you’re already using GL, has anyone just scaled their context to the current screen res. Does that work ok (outside of mapping events)? How does it look? Does scaling down look awful?
In some of the Android demos I see that they’ve not scaled graphics but made less/more of the viewport visible on different screen resolutions. Does this mean that on the droid for instance the touch detection is much more accurate as well? Otherwise, given that the screens are basically the same physical size, the area to touch with your finger would be that much smaller?
Anyone mapped pixel based events between resolutions yet?
Any other problems comes up?