Multiplatform CD distribution of Jogl application


I’m working on a Jogl application. When it’s done I want to be able to distribute on a CD as well as running it from a web page.

Can anyone tell me/point me to a page describing how to:

  • make a multiplatform CD (at least Windows, Mac and Linux, other OS’s optional)
  • that automatically installs the JRE on all the platforms (preferrably only if JRE 1.4.2 or later hasn’t been installed)
  • will automatically run my jnlp file when it’s done installing Java
  • is as idiot-proof as possible (the program is for a non-technical audience, so pretty much the only assumed knowledge is being able to turn on a computer and use a mouse)

I’ve tried to find something like this, but couldn’t really find anything. You’d think Sun would’ve made an installer like this by now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



When aiming for idiot-proof solutions, I wouldn’t even want something that installs the JRE (wizards are scary, aren’t they).

Just put the JRE-directories for your platforms on the CD and link to the right java-binary for that platform. The startup times might be a bit worse, but at least it works for everybody. You can put the JNLP file on the CD and run it with javaws. I think if you work with the auto-run feature combined with batch/sh/whatever-files, it might just work on all platforms.

Good luck!

I’d suggest you look into the Import Facility in Java Web Start. Actually this thread higher up on this forum contains a recent discussion on this topic. I believe it should be possible to create one CD with a few JNLP files and the appropriate jar files for your app, JOGL and the JOGL native code and say two scripts / batch files, one for Windows and one for Unix platforms, that will invoke javaws with the -import command line option. This solution sort of assumes there is a JRE already installed, but as Riven suggests it should be possible to put the uncompressed JREs on the CD itself so you can invoke that javaws right off the CD. The advantage of this route is that it’s fully compatible with Java Web Start and over-the-web automatic updates.