Mouse Moved

I’m getting a weird bug in my game aura4k. When you click away from it and scroll up and down, it stops responding to MOUSE_MOVE events. The game mouse still moves when the actual cursor is clicked and dragged, but general mouse movement is not tracked. This happens only when run in Safari. Is this just a problem with Safari, or are there more complicated interactions going on? I know the handleEvent() function is depreciated, so that might be the case. I have included my event handling code in this post.

    public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
    	   case Event.KEY_PRESS:
    	 //  case Event.KEY_RELEASE:
    		   key[e.key] = true;
    		   if(e.key == KEY_PAUSE){
    			   pause = !pause;
    	   case Event.MOUSE_DOWN:
    		   int mb = 0;
    		   if((e.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK) == 0){
    			   mb = MOUSE_LEFT;
    		   if((e.modifiers & Event.META_MASK) != 0){
    			   mb = MOUSE_RIGHT;
    		   mouseButton = mb;
    	   case Event.MOUSE_UP:
    		   mouseButton = MOUSE_RELEASED;
    	   case Event.MOUSE_MOVE:
    	   case Event.MOUSE_DRAG:
                mouseX = e.x;
                mouseY = e.y;
    	   case Event.LOST_FOCUS:
    		   pause = true;
	return false;
    }//end handleEvent()