Hey Guys,
I wrote an OBJ Loader for my Engine but my Models look very weird.I export the models with the following options but they look not the same like in Blender
Export Settings:
Engine Look:
OBJ Loader Code:
public class OBJLoader {
public static RawModel loadObjModel(String fileName, ModelLoader loader) {
FileReader fr = null;
try {
fr = new FileReader(new File("maps/testMap/" + fileName + ".obj"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Couldn't load file!");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fr);
String line;
List<Vector3f> vertices = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
List<Vector2f> textures = new ArrayList<Vector2f>();
List<Vector3f> normals = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
float[] verticesArray = null;
float[] normalsArray = null;
float[] textureArray = null;
int[] indicesArray = null;
try {
while (true) {
line = reader.readLine();
String[] currentLine = line.split(" ");
if (line.startsWith("v ")) {
Vector3f vertex = new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(currentLine[1]), Float.parseFloat(currentLine[2]), Float.parseFloat(currentLine[3]));
} else if (line.startsWith("vt ")) {
Vector2f texture = new Vector2f(Float.parseFloat(currentLine[1]), Float.parseFloat(currentLine[2]));
} else if (line.startsWith("vn ")) {
Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(Float.parseFloat(currentLine[1]), Float.parseFloat(currentLine[2]), Float.parseFloat(currentLine[3]));
} else if (line.startsWith("f ")) {
textureArray = new float[vertices.size() * 2];
normalsArray = new float[vertices.size() * 3];
while (line != null) {
if (!line.startsWith("f ")) {
line = reader.readLine();
String[] currentLine = line.split(" ");
String[] vertex1 = currentLine[1].split("/");
String[] vertex2 = currentLine[2].split("/");
String[] vertex3 = currentLine[3].split("/");
processVertex(vertex1, indices, textures, normals, textureArray, normalsArray);
processVertex(vertex2, indices, textures, normals, textureArray, normalsArray);
processVertex(vertex3, indices, textures, normals, textureArray, normalsArray);
line = reader.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {
verticesArray = new float[vertices.size() * 3];
indicesArray = new int[indices.size()];
int vertexPointer = 0;
for (Vector3f vertex : vertices) {
verticesArray[vertexPointer++] = vertex.x;
verticesArray[vertexPointer++] = vertex.y;
verticesArray[vertexPointer++] = vertex.z;
for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
indicesArray[i] = indices.get(i);
return loader.loadToVAO(verticesArray, textureArray, indicesArray);
private static void processVertex(String[] vertexData, List<Integer> indices, List<Vector2f> textures, List<Vector3f> normals, float[] textureArray, float[] normalsArray) {
int currentVertexPointer = Integer.parseInt(vertexData[0]) - 1;
Vector2f currentTex = textures.get(Integer.parseInt(vertexData[1]) - 1);
textureArray[currentVertexPointer * 2] = currentTex.x;
textureArray[currentVertexPointer * 2 + 1] = 1 - currentTex.y;
Vector3f currentNorm = normals.get(Integer.parseInt(vertexData[2]) - 1);
normalsArray[currentVertexPointer * 3] = currentNorm.x;
normalsArray[currentVertexPointer * 3 + 1] = currentNorm.y;
normalsArray[currentVertexPointer * 3 + 2] = currentNorm.z;