Moddius - A simple Modloader compatible with ANY Java game! (20+ Downloads!)

(I dont know if this is the correct forum section, so “bear” with me :persecutioncomplex: )
Now, let me introduce you to Moddius!
This a Reflection based, complexly made, simple to use ModLoader that is
compatible with almost any Java game!

To install this modloader onto a game, you must open its main jar file and insert the files contained in the modloaders jar.

How to use this in your game:
WARNING: This tutorial uses ECLIPSE!
You must first associate your game with the library so right click on your project
then select “Java Build Path”, then you select the Libraries tab then click on
Add External JARs and select the library jar.
When you selected the jar click OK and you have associated the jar with this library!
Next import all Moddius classes using this import: “import org.moddius.*;”
Once imported create an annotation that the ModLoader will use to find mods.
The annotation can have any attributes you want the mod to specify.
[b][i]Warning: The annotation must be annotated with


or else the ModLoader will NOT find any mods and a bunch of exceptions will occur.[/i][/b]
Next use the following code to load mods:

ModLoader loader = new ModLoader(MyAnnotation.class);
Set<Class<?>> mods = loader.loadMods();

Replace MyAnnotation with your annotation!
Then modify your game to the way you want the mods to work and

How it finds mods:
The technique that this library uses is scanning ALL packages that is known to its classpath and search for any classes that use your annotation!

Upcoming features:

  • Searching by Superclass (v3)

Direct - V1:
Support - V1: —
Direct - V2:
Support - V2: —

Umm… i got notin’ else to say…
Oh look a butterfly :point:! (Escapes)