modding : with scripts or UI-based tool ?

Hi guys,

I’m working on a rts called “clash tune” and now I’ve come to a big part of the game : modding.
So was wondering, would you rather use scripts or a UI-based tool like in starcraft 2 and warcraft 3 editors ?

IMHO, this kind of UI-based tools is easier for beginners, but quite unreadable when dealing with complex functionalities.
Scripts are for more advanced users, for sure, but they are way more powerful to deal with (and good for sharing)

So, what would be your choice ? Or other ideas ?

Maybe just take your game to a point where it is considerable “done” first and then start working on moddability? Just one possible approach…

On topic: What kind of people do you want to attract to it? It depends heavily on that…

the fact is it is “sufficiently” done to begin working on modding.
tutorials, for example, are custom maps.

Edit on topic : gamers and devs, the two very different visions :slight_smile:

titoasty: If I were in your position, I would go for a fuller scripting capability and then have a basic UI to help beginners get into modding (ie. give the UI core functionality). That way people would learn the basics of modding with the UI, and then have the ability to get more complex if they desire.

Yes, this is the option I was thinking too.
As I don’t want to code two systems, maybe an UI-based editor like warcraft 3 world editor, that can converts to code if necessary

Maybe like Export/Import where import reads in a script while export writes a script?

I think I’m gonna limit to pure scripts for now, so I can begin working on creating content.
Then later I’ll work on a tree-like ui, which seems reasonable and efficient for this kind of needs.

And there will be a ui->code converter, not sure for the contrary.