Mobile Advertisment/ Admob: How much do you really earn? Where to find the data?

I’m writing a business plan and I need to incorporate exact info on how much per click i would earn if I would use in app advertisment.

Where can i find precise information on how much I would earn (per click) for different mobile ad networks?
Or are there any reports out there with some detial info on averga income per click?

I’m using adMob atm f.e. and it’s all very vague imo:
Income per click seem to highly vary not only between the type of ad (interstitial/banner) you use but also dependant on user, location and what not.

No where have i been able to find a clear overview for how much one really earns. How income per click is calculated etc.

Can anyone help out?

Google AdMob users are prohibited from releasing details about their earnings.
However I found this post on the pastebay that seems to have some insight on the subject :

Advertising revenue is a sticky subject. If your app isn’t that popular (Less than 1k players a month launching your app) you probably won’t make much at all, as in, you might not even be able to buy yourself a combo meal at McDonalds once a month. But if your app takes off and you break into 10k, 15k or more you could start seeing some decent money. It still won’t be much though.

The reality is unless you get into the monstrous numbers (100k+ players using your app a month or more?) you won’t be able to make a sustainable income. The Flappy Bird guy claims he was making 50k/week or some insane number, but his app was installed on basically every kid’s device in America. :wink:

There’s a deep dark secret to why people are not allowed to talk about their ad earnings, I think it’s rooted in the fact that unless you’re mega popular the income is absolute crap, and if only the people with popular apps bothered with ads then the adservice would go under. They need the hundreds of thousands of you guys giving them 100-200 impressions a week, it adds up quick for them, but the ROI for you is horrid.

I published an app nearly a month ago and have generated roughly $2 from 100 downloads. It isn’t much. It is based off of clicks generally, around $0.20-$0.60 per click. Be careful, make sure you tell friends family that by clicking the ad just to generate revenue, they are doing more harm than good. My uncle thought that by continuously clicking the ad I would earn and everything would be dandy. My account has been disabled and I am unable to participate in ad sense at this time. -_- I have appealed today, but no luck regarding a response.

So, yea. There is my two cents.

  • A

Offtopic: ah, the joys of a lifetime AdSense ban… Some guy in Belgium clicked an AdSense ad 5 times in a row, I reported it and that was the end the account. If I could do it all again, I’d monitor ad clicks with javascript and disable ads for a few days for that browser, once one ad was clicked. Same rule applies for in-app ads, I presume.

One reason I like ProjectWonderful… design appears to be fraud-proof.

Cas :slight_smile:

Pretty much it seems you’re not gonna make money with ads unless your app is immensely popular.
O well…

Interesting note though:

@ Syzee

[quote]$2 from 100 downloads. It isn’t much. It is based off of clicks generally, around $0.20-$0.60 per click.
That mean you had around 5 ad click in a hundred downloads?

Also $0.20-$0.60 per click? That seems like a lot.
How did you get those numbers?