Missing Method: alcGetCaptureDeviceSpecifiers()


the openal sdk capture sample uses a call to alcGetString(null, ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER) to get a list of available capture devices in the same way alcGetString(null, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER) does (returning this ugly double null terminated string)… shouldn’t there be a method “alcGetCaptureDeviceSpecifiers” for this purpose?
i tried to implement the method myself in my java code (not gluegen). i took the sources from “joal-alc-impl-CustomJavaCode.java” and modified “alcGetDeviceSpecifiers()”, but “alc.alcGetStringImpl(null, ALC.ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)” just gives me my default capture device.

Are there any differences between alcGetStringImpl if its called from my code and a call to it from gluegen code (the file mentioned above)?
Do we need the new method “alcGetCaptureDeviceSpecifiers()”?