Minecraft - VGCats comic

Holly crap Minecraft has really take off, just got featured in a vgcats comic. I love VGCats, congrats Markus.

Thanks! =D

That’s pretty damn awesome, especially considering that comic updates like once every two months. Congrats! :slight_smile:

Almost passing 100.000 euros as well, really nice work :slight_smile:

I’m so envious of your success!! :smiley:

Once again, great talent brings great success.

Keep it up, you’re an inspiration to all of us! :slight_smile:

Great stuff!

I’ve said it for years and now the world knows Markus is da Man!


Markus, hopefully you’ll take the time to explain how you did it. Of course there’s a word-of-mouth factor here, but what other factors are at work here? What else did you do to attract so many players, besides making a good game and putting it on a website?

wait, u european or american? cause that makes a big diferenc int he amount of money you’ve made :wink:

I fail to see how 100.000 euros would be worth less of more in North America :persecutioncomplex:

lol, yea, some have not taken Financials 101 course yet :slight_smile:

€100,000 euros in Europe are the same €100,000 euros in America.
However, if you buy dollars for your euros, that translates to rougly $137,770 dollars.
Buying power can vary.

I think he was referring to regional variations in number formatting - is it a decimal point or just a separating period?

I have no idea.
Up until about a month ago, I had done no marketing whatsoever. Now recently, I’ve been doing some google ad words, which brings in about 150 visitors per day. The recent high level of sales started before those ads, though, so I’m not quite sure what triggered it. I might be when 4chan found the game, or just a result of the “indev” (basically like a nightly build, only available to paid members) getting more popular as I’ve added more features to it, or some combination thereof.

It’s pretty interesting. When I started the project, my goal was to focus on making something that’s genuinely fun without worrying too much about graphics and stuff like that, and to just be brave and charge for it. I realized that if I wanted to be able to work full time on my own things, they would have to bring in revenue. The original plan was to just work on the game for half a year to a year, but it’s starting to look like it’s going to last quite a bit longer.
Ideally, I’d avoid feature creep like that, but there’s really so much possible in this game, and I can’t wait to see how it develops.

wow, u missed that joke… in america we use an apostrophe, so that would basically be 100 euro, rather than 100,000.

u see?

EDIT: Nvm, bleb beat me to the punch :stuck_out_tongue: