Minecraft 4k (very early build)

pretty cool, it worked smoothly.

kinda weird being stuck underground. and not being abel to mine.

would be better if you didnt have to drag the mouse to turn.

+1 :slight_smile:

Or at least have a special submit time for Markus, to only do it the last week, to not scare the rest of us away. :stuck_out_tongue:

Holey crap, that is amazing!!! :o It will be really interesting to see what You will do with the remaining 2k. I fully expect WoW or maybe Assassins creed 4.

I sort of longed a bit to do a game this year, but it died a little. :-\ Will see if it still will happen.

You’re responding to what? That we then won’t be able to see a Markus 4k game? I agree it is always a treat.

I managed to shave off more than 40 bytes AND make it almost three times faster by using fixed step walking and splitting the dimensions into individual passes. :smiley:

So first it walks along X, at fixed steps (x+=xStep; y+=yStep; z+=zStep), and stores the closest hit wall, then it repeats the same for Y and finally Z.

[quote]Yeah, then as a side effect he can’t enter. :stuck_out_tongue:
Muahuahua… my plan exactly. Either that or we give him a lifetime achievement award and not let him enter anymore. Seriously I wish he would hold off for a few months before shattering my confidence.

If I really had that effect, I’m sorry. :-\

I don’t want anyone to pull out at all, I love the creative vibe of these Java4k competitions.

Ah, but that does look amazing. I can’t wait to see what this will turn into! :slight_smile:

[quote]If I really had that effect, I’m sorry. :-\

I don’t want anyone to pull out at all, I love the creative vibe of these Java4k competitions.
Oh I wont be pulling out, I just need to go back to the drawing board and take it up a level. Shit just got real. :wink:

agreed, just takes the java4k quality bar higher as it does every year.

They don’t call it a competition for nothing :wink:

Besides, it’s the fun type of a competition.

Hmm, the controls are proving to be a problem. Using mouse dragging to look around kinda works. It’s not perfect, but it does get the job done.
However, combing that with mouse clicking makes the game feel very hard to control. :frowning:

I’m always happy to see your stuff, Markus. Envious a little, but mostly proud to be in the same community. That being said, it might be nice to have the winner one year not be able to win the next year, or something. Bah, nevermind, that would just be dumb. I mean Markus clearly has the technology going for him at this stage, but it’s still very possible it could be boring.

I would offer to retire, but I’m faaar too proud. :wink:

I’ve updated the applet and the web page. Make sure to force refresh everything.

Widescreen! Many block types! Building and destroying blocks! Different mouse look that frees up both buttons! Less bugs!
Also, the .pack.gz is STILL under 2kb :smiley:

I’d appreciate feedback on the new control system.

you got all those different block types in and its still under 2kb! :o

that is amazing stuff!

In the true spirit of minecraft, see attached ::slight_smile:

Granted it would have made more sense if the words were swapped… but I couldn’t be bothered ;D


Oh, in the making of this you might be interested to know I encountered a rather strange bug with the players input.
It occurred after ~5-10 minutes of play. Movement keys stopped responding, and the mouse could no-longer control camera panning.
I could however still use the mouse to select, add & delete blocks.
Thankfully the bug corrected itself after a while, and I haven’t encountered it since.

Something along the lines of The Sentinel?

Wow, that’s crazy. You’re making my jaw hit the floor before I even have a chance to start coding, haha.

If you’re still looking for a way to turn this into a game, my suggestion would be to try some different algorithms for setting up the initial world and see what ideas that yields. I’ve never tried it in 3D before, but I think the cellular automata smoother I used for Treasure4k last year could get you some interesting places to explore.

I had the same problem with applet mouselook a few years back, and did much the same for the Y axis, except I added the cursor Y value directly to the pitch angle, rather than the pitch rate. This resulted in a progressively faster pan up/down as the cursor moved out of the central (no-panning) region. When the cursor returned to the centre, we were back straight and level. For X axis I used keyboard rotate left/right and forward back and didn’t provide auto-panning.

The game makes me think of a cityscape. I wonder how it would look with the cubes drawn as skyscrapers. The blocky nature of the raytracing could be turned into an asset, as representing windows is very blocky. It might look rather nice combined with a fade to grey with distance. Got me thinking now :wink:

Weather is awful again this weekend in the UK, but having to do a rebuild, due to drive failure. Fortunately I have all my source code, so no serious loss. Updated all my tools, so need new build files. Trying to get Apache Tomcat to serve up pack200 at the moment.