Simple (very simple) arithmetic game - how fast are YOU at doing mental arithmetic?
NB: that’s not a referrer URL - its just so your practice scores are automatically shared with anyone else who follows the same link. You can if you prefer just go to and it will work just as well.
This is a quiet release, almost a pre-release, so there are several bits that really aren’t good enough, sorry :(. But … I hope you enjoy anyway.
Challenge - in this mode, you need a account (sorry - saves me a LOT of problems; you can register within the game), you only get to play once per day, and (assuming you used a real email address - you did, didn’t you?) you get an email at the end of the day with a mini leaderboard of everyone who played, plus info on your best / worst score to date, averages, etc (this is why you need a perplexcity account - it handles all the DB stuff so that I can generate those stats).
Practice - just play as much as you like. If you enter a name or email at the end, it will appear on the blackboard at the start of the game, if its good enough.